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Troop 150 Eagle's Nest

The home of all of our proud Eagle Scouts for Troop 150


Jackson Roberts

February 2024

Jackson’s Eagle Project focused on building a pantry for the demonstration kitchen of the Cancer Wellness Center in Northbrook, IL. Jackson and his team assembled, stained, and installed a set of cabinets for the Cancer Wellness Center to use.


Will Richter

July 2023

Will's Eagle project focused on upgrading the outdoor seating at the Cancer Wellness Center in Northbrook. Will and his team revamped the area by replacing the old, uneven concrete paver patio with a larger space paved with bricks. They also gave a facelift to two planters near the patio.


Enrique Lipezker

May 2022

Enrique's Eagle Project was the construction of an outdoor children’s music station using recycled materials and the repair of a children's play tunnel at the Heller Nature Center in Highland Park. This new music station and ...


Adam Powen

March 2019

Adam's Eagle Scout project was the construction of three new picnic tables for use by the Zion Lutheran Church congregation and visitors to the Church. He supervised a team of Scouts ...


Ian Butler

June 2016

Ian's Eagle Scout project involved the refurbishing of twelve park benches designated by the Deerfield Park District. These picnic tables required sanding, reconstruction, and painting ...


Scott Garcia

June 2014

Scott's Eagle Scout project involved building new outdoor benches for the Orphans of the Storm in Riverwoods, IL. These benches were a welcome upgrade and should provide sturdy support for decades to come.


Steven Warren

November 10, 2012

Steven's Eagle Scout project benefited the Little House of Glencoe. Buckthorn was cleared and soil was graded to shed water away from the house. Grass seed was planted to prevent erosion of the ...


Greg Scarry

May 5, 2012

For his Eagle Scout project Greg worked with the Deerfield Park District to remediate a flood prone area connecting Deerfield's King's Cove neighborhood ...


Timothy Angeles

December 18, 2010

Tim's Eagle project involved laying down a path at the Heller Nature Center in Highland Park, IL.


Christopher Falkenrath

December 5, 2009

Christopher's Eagle project was the construction and installation of bird houses, bat houses, and a worm composting bin at Foley's Pond in Highland Park.


Leo Silverman

November 2023

For his Eagle project Leo led a team of Scout volunteers in rebuilding moveable table carts to enhance storage capacity and ease of use for church functions at Zion Lutheran Church in Deerfield, IL.


Nick Goto Goldenberg

July 2023

Nick's Eagle Scout Project converted a water-damaged room in the Zion Lutheran Church basement into a storage facility alongside addressing certain issues in the building that were leading to water damage, such as fixing a broken gutter and adding a barricade to mitigate runoff. In total Nick and his volunteers disposed of 2 tons of unwanted items from the church.


Parker Sorenson

April 2021

Parker's Eagle Scout project was the restoration of a large storage area in the Troop 150 meeting space at Zion Lutheran Church. He supervised a group of scouts as they both rebuilt, stained ...


Matthew Butler

June 2018

For his Eagle project Matt and a team of Scouts refinished picnic tables at Deerfield Public Works.


Thomas Powen

June 2016

Thomas' Eagle Scout team built a variety of bat boxes to create habitat for bats local to Deerfield. These were installed in several designated locations where Park District staff have identified ...


Jeff Haney

June 2014

Jeff's Eagle Scout project involved improving the basement meeting space in the American Legion in Deerfield, IL.


Drew Ryan

July 9, 2012

Drew's Eagle project benefited the Deerfield Historical Society's Historic Village. He stripped, rebuilt and repainted an historic railroad luggage cart.


Brett Kaplan

November 5, 2011

Brett's Eagle project was to paint the exhibition gym at Highland Park High School. He procured all necessary supplies from local hardware stores, then organized ...


Jonathan Newcomb

October 23, 2010

Jonathan's Eagle project involved rehabilitating a Highland Park community greenhouse. In partnership with the Highland Park Park District, Jonathan organized ...


Anthony Spagnoli

January 17, 2009

Tony's Eagle project was the restoration of the Luther House at the Deerfield Area Historical Society's historic village. The project included replacing the brick walkway in front ...


Eli Neiman

December 2023

For his Eagle project Eli focused on conservation by planting a pollinator garden along the Green Bay Trail in Highland Park.


Carl Platt

April 2023

For his Eagle project Carl led a team of volunteers in scanning historic US Speedskating documents for use in a future US Speedskating Hall of Fame.


Reid Wilson

October 2019

Reid's Eagle Scout project was the construction of lofted storage with a staircase leading up to it at The First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. The loft doubled the storage capacity of ...


Michael Warren

June 2016

Michael's Eagle Scout team built two "buddy benches" for local elementary schools. These were painted and installed at playground areas designated by the school principal. They allow for ...


David Pigg

June 2016

David's Eagle Project was the rehab of a common use kitchen area at a local church - First Presbyterian Church of Deerfield. This colorful project used hand-painted tiles as a festive ...


Thomas Fiocchi

January 12, 2014

Thomas' Eagle Scout project was to build a permanent bird viewing house at the Heller Nature Center in Highland Park, IL. The house had a shingled roof, gutters, seating and windows...


Chris Ryan

July 9, 2012

For his Eagle Scout project Chris planned, built and installed a self-guided tour of historic buildings at the Deerfield Historical Society's Historic Village. He also added a split rail fence ...


Jordan Giacone

December 18, 2010

Jordan's Eagle project involved running a book drive and collecting furniture to refurbish a library room in a halfway house. He designed, built, and installed bookshelves with donated lumber ...


Clayton Weber

March 6, 2010

Clayton's Eagle project was the creation of a path around Foley's Pond in Highland Park while clearing brush and rehabilitating the surrounding wooded areas.


Brent Iungerich

January 17, 2009

Brent's Eagle project involved the creation of a raised walkway at a local nature preserve to alleviate the formation of large muddy puddles in a high traffic area.

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